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Cricket Control: How to Reduce Cricket Populations

Tell if the Flying Invaders in your Yard are Bees or Wasps

In Texas, late summer and early fall means one thing – crickets! Their chirping can be heard all across the state as these pests emerge for the cooler weather. But what happens when these noisy invaders decide to take up residence in your home? It might feel like you’re suddenly overrun with crickets, with no clue how to get rid of them. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to keep these pests at bay.

Before we dive into cricket prevention, let’s take a closer look at some of the common crickets in Texas.

Cricket Control: How to Reduce Cricket Populations

Common Crickets in Texas

  • The most common is the field cricket, a dark brown to black cricket found mainly outdoors. However, they can also be found inside.
  • House crickets are similar to field crickets but smaller. These crickets are yellowish-brown with dark bands on the head and upper body. They can be found in homes and other moist or dark environments.
  • Cave or camel crickets are dark brown and wingless. They have an upward arched back, giving them the name camel cricket. These crickets are often found in basements and other dark environments.

Understanding the types of crickets in Texas is just the first step. Now let’s see where they tend to hide and what kind of damage they can cause.

Cricket Behavior

All of these crickets spend their day in warm, dark cracks and crevices and emerge at night to feed. Locations that crickets can be found in may be:

  • Under rocks, wood, or other debris outside
  • Around plumbing areas that provide moisture
  • In attics, garages, crawl spaces, and basements, especially if they’re humid

Crickets can cause a host of issues both inside and outside. They often feast on outdoor plants and gardens. When inside, crickets can cause damage to both artificial and natural fabrics, furs, and carpets.

These chirping pests also attract predators such as scorpions and spiders. It is vital to keep the cricket population low to avoid these unwanted predators invading your home.

How to Prevent Crickets

  • Keep your yard tidy. Regularly mow the lawn and pull weeds. This will reduce hiding spots for crickets.
  • Remove any debris. Piles of stone or wood create perfect cricket havens. Move these away from your home if possible.
  • Reduce moisture outside. Repair any leaks and eliminate any standing water outside. Crickets thrive in damp areas.
  • Seal your home. Check windows, doors, and other entry points. Seal any cracks or gaps where crickets can sneak in.
  • Keep up with indoor maintenance. Regularly cleaning and vacuuming frequently will reduce the amount of cricket eggs in the home.
  • Minimize dark, humid spaces. Use a dehumidifier in basements or other damp areas to make them less attractive to crickets.
  • Remove food sources. Chicken feed, dog food, or other pet foods should be stored in sealed containers as they are excellent food sources for crickets.

If you are still experiencing an infestation of crickets after taking these preventative measures, don’t hesitate to contact a professional. Angel Pest Control has been providing a halo of protection around homes and businesses for over 30 years. Whether you’re looking for a one-time cricket service or a quarterly pest control plan, we’ve got you covered. Give us a call at (830) 379-3277 and let us help keep your home cricket-free.

Call Angel Pest Control Today– We’ll Get Those Little Devils!