Identification and Habits
Cockroaches are a common pest and are best known for the cringe factor they create at just the mention of them. Humans and cockroaches go hand in hand where humans thrive so do roaches.
Where there is one, there are many, especially with this pest. The lifespan of a cockroach is approximately one year. At 3-4 months old, baby roaches are already developed into full grown adults. The female cockroach can produce 200-300 offspring which is equal to 6 generations of cockroaches. More cringe factor.
They have six legs, two antennae and have a flattened and broad body with a head that is relatively small in comparison to their body. Their color ranges from a reddish brown to a dark brown. They American Roaches can be large, oftentimes measuring over two inches in length. The smaller and more elusive, German Roach can multiply quickly and is often found near food sources like kitchens.

There are so many cockroaches!
There are over 4,600 species of cockroaches and 30 of those are associated with human habitats. They are an ancient insect and their ancestors hail back to a period called the Carboniferous which was approximately 300 – 350 million years ago. They have had a lot of years to adapt and figure out how to coexist with humans.
These pests are among some of the most primitive insects and are capable of adapting and tolerating a wide variety of climates. Some species of cockroaches have a complex social structure which includes common shelter, communication and information transfer, family recognition and social dependence.
The Invasion
Cockroaches invade fast and while they don’t often cause structural damage to one’s home, they carry disease and can create health concerns in certain individuals. Cockroaches are considered to be an asthma trigger. Their droppings can cause acute and serious attacks for asthmatics. Cockroaches can also easily spread disease as they walk over food and areas of food preparation after being in contact with sewage and garbage.
When cockroaches invade your home, you may notice feces from smaller cockroaches that look similar to black pepper or coffee grounds, or cylindrical feces from larger cockroaches. Cockroaches are nocturnal and feed at night and your home can be infested and you may not even see them. Because you may not spot them at first, it is key to keep an eye out for roach droppings if you suspect an infestation. If you begin finding cockroaches during the day, this can mean that there are large numbers of them infesting your home.
Just the idea of a cockroach infestation can and should make a homeowner immediately uncomfortable in their home. With a cockroach infestation, it is imperative to act quickly and contact a pest control professional. Cockroaches tend to take up residence inside of walls making it difficult to determine the extent of the infestation without a professional exterminator.
Why They are Opportunistic
Cockroaches are opportunistic creatures and capable of getting into your home in various ways. Once inside, they breed and multiply quickly, making it difficult to get an infestation under control. Conduct a thorough check of any item that enters your home, as cockroaches act as stowaways and catch a ride into your home by riding in boxes and bags.
Roaches can sometimes find their way into our homes via shopping bags and with the rise in on-line shopping it’s possible to have cockroaches delivered right to your doorstep.
Also be aware of any cracks, vents and pipes that may be an entry point for these pests. Populations can start in the attic or under a pier and beam home thriving and going unnoticed for a long time.
It is important to keep your home as clean as possible and wipe up spills immediately after they happen. Cockroaches love messes. Take out the trash regularly preferably at the end of each day instead of leaving it overnight.
They Love the Kitchen
Cockroaches love kitchens so it is a good idea not to let dirty dishes sit in the sink. There is nothing quite as unsettling as turning on a light at night and watching a cockroach scurry at 100 m.p.h. across your kitchen counter.
Storing food in containers that utilize tight seals instead of the paper boxes they are bought in is a great way to keep food fresh and to eliminate a hiding place for them. Vacuum often enough to keep small pieces of food from attracting these unsavory pests.
Cockroaches are visitors that wear out their welcome in about as much time as it takes you to notice that they are there. If you have noticed signs of cockroaches in your home, it is time to take immediate action. These creepy pests will invade furniture and other small places.
Health, Happiness, and a Cockroach Free Home!
For your health and happiness, it is important to live in a pest free home. As soon as you know you have a problem, you will naturally want to act immediately. At Angel Pest Control, our professional agents are trained and qualified to deal with your cockroach infestation, as well as to prevent future infestations.
Angel Pest Control has been in business for 30 years. We specialize in expert pest control and great customer service. If you have a cockroach infestation, call us at Angel Pest Control.