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How to Stop Attracting Mosquitoes

The Worst Part of Summer in Texas: Mosquitoes!

Everybody in Texas knows about the pesky mosquito – and their irritating bite! These flying blood-suckers are not just a nuisance; they can transmit diseases to humans and other mammals as well, making it crucial to protect yourself against them. 

This summer season, you may find yourself being bitten by a mosquito more than anybody else you know. It may seem as if the mosquitoes are singling you out specifically! Well, as you will learn, mosquitoes actually do have preferences of which host they choose. 

What attracts mosquitoes?

So, what causes mosquitoes to prefer some people over others? Scientists have several theories about what may be causing mosquitoes to bite you more frequently. 

Only female mosquitoes bite humans, using the proteins from our blood to help them produce their eggs. Mosquitoes have a highly developed sense of smell that they use, along with visual cues, to track down their host. Mosquitoes are heavily influenced by the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2), which humans exhale. They are also attracted to lactic acid, which is produced when sweating. This means that exercising, which increases CO2 output and perspiration, is likely to attract mosquitoes. 

Mosquitoes are also attracted to individuals with a higher body temperature and those with a high metabolic rate. This means that those who are pregnant are also more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than average due to an increase in body heat as well as emitting a distinctive odor. Additionally, some studies have also found that having an O blood type may also increase your chances of being bitten, although findings are inconclusive. 

Another factor that may attract mosquitoes is the consumption of alcohol; meaning if you are at a summer party enjoying yourself with a cold beer, you may be attracting mosquitoes without even realizing it! 

Preventing mosquitoes

While many of these factors are beyond your control, don’t lose hope – there are many ways to reduce mosquitoes in your yard! If you’d like to reduce your exposure to mosquitoes, try these preventative tips:

  • During dusk and dawn, avoid areas where mosquitoes are commonly seen as these times are when mosquitoes are most active.

  • Wear long sleeves or use mosquito netting to protect yourself when mosquitoes are around. 

  • Use DEET (diethyltoluamide), an effective and common mosquito repellent. Always consult with your doctor to make sure you are not allergic.

  • Drain standing water every 7 days – especially birdbaths! Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so eliminating this will greatly reduce their numbers.

  • Reduce the amount of leaf and debris in shaded areas of your lawn. Mosquitos typically rest on the underside of dense shaded foliage and thrive in moist environments.


Call Angel Pest Control

If you have exhausted your resources and still find yourself being eaten by mosquitoes, Angel Pest Control is here to help. We have been providing a halo of protection around homes and businesses since 1987. We offer several different mosquito services including:

  • In2Care buckets, which targets both the larvae and adult stages of mosquitoes.

  • Every 3-week misting treatments from March to November, which aligns with the life cycle of the mosquito. 

  • Automated misting systems for customized protection ideal for the luxury backyard oasis. 

So if you’re a mosquito magnet, give us a call today and we will find a service that’s right for you!

Call Angel Pest Control Today– We’ll Get Those Little Devils!