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Termites in Your Home Library?
It happens more than you’d think… termites have a voracious appetite for books.
Say you love reading and collecting books so you’ve thoughtfully arranged them in your home library to show your guest your literary journey. Each section is arranged alphabetically or color-coded to express your creative side, some books you’ve read, some are for reference and others to tackle later. Whatever the case is, the last thing you might expect is to find a termite horror story unfolding in your own home.
Believe it or not we encounter this from time to time and it doesn’t take a science enthusiast to understand why. Termites eat wood; specifically cellulose that is generally derived from wood for which termites have a voracious appetite in homes they prefer moist compromised wood.

A termite only needs 1/32nd of an inch to enter your home.
Books on shelves, pressed together can create the perfect feeding ground especially if the bookshelf is fixed to an outside wall or a wall that experiences a lot of moisture. On numerous occasions we have found boxes of books in attics and basements that have been almost completely devoured by termites, especially those in cardboard boxes.
So if you have a home library or you just have a hard time letting go of books it might be a good idea to check the pages from time to time to ensure a colony of not so studious termites haven’t decided to snack on your book stacks.
Call Angel Pest Control for a free termite estimate. We offer preventative termite plans and if you find yourself in a termite horror story we offer remedial termite treatments. Whatever the case is if you call Angel Pest Control for your pest and termite needs we can help write a happy and pest free ending.